Hair Loss Treatments

Find the right hair loss treatment for you

Hair loss treatment

How it works

We offer a range of treatments to address everything contributing to your hair loss. We’re committed to finding the right solution for your condition and provide ongoing support to make sure you get the best regrowth results.

Book Your Free Consultation

Rediscover your hair’s potential. Book your free consultation with a hair regrowth expert now.

What we can treat

We help with all types of male and female hair loss. This includes treating genetic conditions like androgenetic alopecia (aka male / female pattern balding) and telogen effluvium. We can also aide your recovery from hair loss caused by stress, thyroid disorders or other diseases and conditions.

Depending on how advanced your hair loss is, it’s likely we can guarantee to stop further hair loss and regrow your hair.

Select a hair loss condition to see how we can help you:

Ashley and Martin Money Back Guarantee

Types of hair loss treatments

Our hair loss treatments combine a range of the latest technologies and medicines to help you regrow thicker hair.
  • Laser Therapy

    A non-invasive treatment that’s proven to work for men and women of all ages. The red-light lasers enhance blood flow in the scalp to promote cellular metabolism, stimulate hair growth and improve overall hair thickness.
  • Pharmaceutical

    Our medications have been developed to treat hair loss related to hormone imbalances and dermatological conditions. These are extra effective when used in combination with other targeted hair loss treatments.
  • Natural Supplements

    Our vitamins, minerals and botanical extracts address any nutritional deficiencies contributing to your hair loss and promote healthy hair growth.
  • Hair Transplants

    Hair transplant surgeries are not provided in-house but we’ll asses your hair loss condition and let you know if you are a good candidate for this procedure. Before undergoing a hair transplant surgery, it’s important to understand that it is not a permanent solution, and will require ongoing treatment to maintain.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The amount of time it takes to regrow hair varies depending on the underlying causes of hair loss, the severity of hair loss, and the specific treatment being used. But in general, results can be seen after 4-6 months of treatment with the full effects of regrowth achieved after 24 months.

  • Our treatments work best on hair loss characterised by a receding hairline and / or  thinning hair on the top of the head. However, results can vary depending on the underlying causes and the stage of hair loss. Book a free hair loss assessment to find out if you can regrow your hair.

  • Under our Regrow Your Hair Guarantee, if you don’t receive a noticeable amount of hair regrowth after completing your Ashley & Martin hair loss treatment, we’ll give you a full refund. This guarantee is provided to most Ashley & Martin clients with Stage 2 (slight) to Stage 4 (severe) hair loss.

    Almost all Ashley & Martin clients undergoing a hair regrowth treatment are offered the Regrow Your Hair Guarantee. This guarantee is provided once it’s been determined that a hair regrowth program is suited to your condition. Generally speaking, this is anyone with a common hair loss condition such as alopecia or male / female pattern baldness, whose hair loss currently falls between Stage 2 (slight) to Stage 4 (severe).

    Only those whose hair loss is too advanced (Stage 5 – 7), or not noticeable (Stage 1) wouldn’t be offered the guarantee. Likewise, those with less common hair loss conditions, such as hair loss caused by radiation, autoimmune conditions or traction alopecia, may not be suited to a hair regrowth program and wouldn’t be offered the guarantee. In these cases, our doctors and trichologists may suggest alternative treatment options that can help.

  • Yes, online appointments are available for those who can’t make it into our clinic. Just select the “Remote” option as your preferred clinic when booking online.